Discussions related to the RAD-KSB of West Sulawesi province have been followed up through an initial meeting, where a draft of the West Sulawesi RAD-KSB Drafting Team has been enacted. It was also agreed that the mapping and data collection plan for villages in Tommo Subdistrict, Mamuju Tengah District, where support for district activities (i.e. related to PSR) and STDB will be synergized. At the same time, the RAD-KSB discussion at the district level was held in Pasangkayu where the initial meeting was also held. At the village level, meetings to discuss RTGLD (Village Land Use Planning) have been held in Benggaulu and Lara villages to date, leaving 2 more villages to be initiated later. In October, activities related to mapping, data collection, and FGDs for data integration continued to be carried out.