- “Strengthen palm oil (sector) governance leading to the improvement of the prosperity of smallholder, reduction of deforestation and peat land degradation.“
- “Jangka Benah Strategy as a Win - Win Solution“
- “Conjointly Uphold the Welfare of the Farmers“
- “For a More Concerted Efforts Through Provincial Action Plan“
- “Towards ISPO Smallholder Certification“
- “FACT Dialogue Team Field Visit“
In Berau District, KEHATI will support the acceleration of agrarian resolution progress by developing intensive communication and coordination with some key actors in provincial level who are members of Inventory and Verification Team, such as Forest Services (Dinas Kehutanan), Regional Service on Forestry Mapping (BPKH), as well as Regional Service on Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR/ BPN). Besides, KEHATI will support the implementation schemes of village development plan, by providing extension services for the key actor who involve in village government, as well as by connecting all the strategic issues in village level with the national program in relevant ministries and accelerate legal compliance of community base oil palm management by providing significant material, such as certain map, as well as supporting local government to initiate local regulation regarding acceleration of community base oil palm registration.
With SPOS Indonesia, LEI will support the improvement of ISPO certification system which formulated in draft of strategic policy and operational regulation, establishment of ISPO committee including the formulation of organisational structure and work governance of ISPO certification system, and draft of strategic road map and operational plan of ISPO certification system.
Through “Critical Agrarian School” ARC Indonesia will convene training on agrarian conflict and palm oil smallholder and undertake research on smallholders’ agrarian resolution.
With SPOS Indonesia, AURIGA will establish CSO monitoring on Palm Oil Moratorium, initiate development of Palm Oil data and informationand conduct policy studies on Palm Oil Governance.
With SPOS Indonesia, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University, will review policy and undertake policy dialogue to support Government of Indonesia in dialogue with European Union and other consumers of palm oil.
Under SPOS Indonesia, SPKS will conduct smallholder institutional strengthening, facilitate the district agenda on sustainable palm oil, support the data collection, mapping, and registration of smallholder palm oil and initiate business development of smallholder palm oil in East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan.
Under SPOS Indonesia, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University will implement Jangka Benah at the demonstration pilot, establish Institutional Development of the Jangka Benah and Agrarian Resolution at the FMU level. Also, will facilitate provincial level dialogue on the resolution of palm oil in forest area and policy research and knowledge sharing especially on Jangka Benah.
With SPOS Indonesia, Javlec will facilitate district government action plan for sustainable palm oil, support the development of district level data and information system on smallholder palm oil, initiate the Design of Smallholder Palm Oil Management Unit, produce district strategies on data collection and mapping of smallholder palm oil, support agrarian resolution strategy at district level, strengthen village institution and strengthen the business model of smallholder palm oil.
Under SPOS Indonesia, SCF will conduct mapping and data collection on smallholder palm oil, strengthen village institution to support smallholder palm oil, support the district action on sustainable palm oil and agrarian resolution for smallholder.
Under SPOS Indonesia, SCF will conduct mapping and data collection on smallholder palm oil, strengthen village institution to support smallholder palm oil, support the district action on sustainable palm oil and agrarian resolution for smallholder.
With SPOS Indonesia, KBCF will facilitate the district agenda on sustainable palm oil, support the East Kalimantan Provincial Level agenda on sustainable palm oil, support agrarian resolution, support the data and information system of smallholder palm oil and strengthen village institution to support smallholder palm oil.
Under SPOS Indonesia, SPKS will conduct smallholder institutional strengthening, facilitate the district agenda on sustainable palm oil, support the data collection, mapping, and registration of smallholder palm oil and initiate business development of smallholder palm oil in East Kalimantan and West Kalimantan.
Under SPOS Indonesia, Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University will implement Jangka Benah at the demonstration pilot, establish Institutional Development of the Jangka Benah and Agrarian Resolution at the FMU level. Also, will facilitate provincial level dialogue on the resolution of palm oil in forest area and policy research and knowledge sharing especially on Jangka Benah.
Under SPOS Indonesia, LTKL will support the district government facilitation to the smallholder palm oil and provide ross learning and policy dialogue on supporting smallholder palm oil with pilot project in Siak, Riau.
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