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SPOS Indonesia continues to work in the field with partners in supporting the sustainable palm oil program, improving well-being smallholders and also reducing deforestation and peatland degradation, One of the focus activities are the mapping and data collection as well as the STDB (Surat Tanda Daftar Budidaya or Registration for Palm Oil Cultivation Certificate). submission. This activities is carried out in 8 Districts with 7 partners in the field. This mapping and Data Collection Process has been carried out since July 2019, the latest data updated until June 2022 contain total area mapped out has reached 242.569 hectares while the data of palm oil smallholder collected accounted to 22.803 hectares or 10.135 land parcels, with the 13.123 hectares or 10.946 parcels of data have been registered and 2.911 hectares or 2.465 land parcels of the STDB’s palm oil land issued.
8 District that were mapped include Tebo District with Yayasan Setara Jambi, Sekadau District with Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit and SIAR Nusantara, Kotawaringin Timur District with Yayasan Javlec Indonesia, Berau District with Asosiasi Sawit Rakyat Mandiri Berau, Paser District with Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit dan Kawal Borneo Community Foundation , Pasangkayu, Mamuju, Mamuju Tengah District with Sulawesi Community Foundation.