SPOS Indonesia Program – KEHATI Foundation with the support of UKCCU since 2019 is taking strides to actively contribute to smallholder palm oil data collection and mapping with its partners in several program locations. Various methods have been carried out to obtain an effective and efficient according to the objectives and characteristics of each location. SPOS Indonesia Team developed Smallholder Palm Oil Mapping and Data Collection Module as a technical guide to assist various parties who will carry out data collection and mapping activities for smallholders in the process of fulfilling the requirements for submitting a Cultivation Registration Certificate (S-TDB). Mapping and Data Collection Activities can be carried out independently by smallholders, both individuals, and groups, village governments, district governments, non-government organizations, and other interested parties to carry out the process.
This module can help smallholders or other parties more easily to understand technically the collection of data on plantation ownership in accordance with the provisions that have been established and can also identify the plantation spatially, equipped with a land map (plantation area). This module is divided into various sections, including:
- The data collection section of smallholders contains questionnaire variables that need to be completed. The questionnaire has been adjusted to the S-TDB form established by the government.
- The mapping section of smallholders contains technical mapping data collection in the land with various choices of tools that can be adapted to the conditions and characteristics of each location.
- The map delineation and data integration section (tabular & spatial) contains the process and choice of tools and software that are free to use with simple functions and uses. To be able to produce maps that can be used as attachments that support the S-TDB submission process
- The case study section (Stories from location program) contains various stories and experiences of several SPOS Indonesia partners in each work location in carrying out data collection and mapping activities for smallholders in accordance with the conditions and characteristics of the location and smallholders
The full pdf version can be downloaded at the following link:
Watch a video of the mapping and data collection process which is a lesson learned from the SPOS Indonesia Team with partners in several locations, namely ASRM Berau in Berau District and SCF in West Sulawesi Province at the following link: