SawitKita as Innovation in Supporting Sustainable Palm Oil Management

SawitKita as Innovation in Supporting Sustainable Palm Oil Management
21 October 2022

20 October 2022, Irfan Bakhtiar, Program Director of SPOS Indonesia – KEHATI Foundation, was a speaker at the “Securing Sustainability in Turbulent Time – Sustainable Palm Oil Dialogue” event in Hoofddorp, The Netherlands. This event is a dialogue on how to accelerate the positive impact of sustainable palm oil by exploring innovation, legal, and communication of the sustainable palm oil supply chain.

Irfan Bakhtiar was invited to speak at a panel discussion on innovations that could aid in bringing about change concerning the current global crisis. Five innovators—among them SPOS Indonesia—conveyed the innovation that had been created, namely the SawitKita platform, in association with associates from the Faculty of Agriculture, Instiper-Yogyakarta. SawitKita or Smallholder Assisted with Information Technology KEHATI-Instiper Yogyakarta is a digital platform that supports, assists, and seeks to enhance smallholders' use of Good Agriculture Practices or GAP and Best Management Practices or BMP for sustainable palm oil management. The competition's winning innovations, including SawitKita, were also exhibited during the event. Many visitors are attracted to the SawitKita platform because of the innovations built to make life easier for independent smallholders. This innovation was chosen by Sustainable Palm Oil Choice and Wageningen University Research.
