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Irfan Bakhtiar
Program Director
Irfan, Program Director of SPOS Indonesia, has more than 20 years of experience in development programs in forest governance issue. His latest position before includes the Component Leader of Land Use and Forest Governance at USAID BIJAK, program Manager for CBNRM of MCA-Indonesia, Deputy Programme Director in the DFID Multi-stakeholder Forestry Program (MFP2), facilitator of DFID – MFP, Kalimantan Regional Coordinator of OCSP-USAID, Program Manager on Forestry and Climate Change of Kemitraan and Director of Advocacy and Public Campaign of ARUPA. Irfan achieved his bachelor degree in Forestry at 2001 from Gadjah Mada University, training on Facilitating Multi-stakeholder process and social learning in Wageningen University, The Netherlands and master degree from The Magister on Political Science at the APMD School of Rural Community Development (STPMD - APMD) Yogyakarta. Amidst his activities, he loves to read history books.